The Zipheads are pleased to announce we are teaming up with the Joe Strummer Foundation and our friends Nosebleed to release2 singles raising money for the organisation- which provides support and opportunities for musicians around the world.
Each band has recorded a song from the Clash’s repertoire in homage to the band, albeit in their own unique style. Ray explains-
“We had been playing Bankrobber in our live set for years. We’re all huge fans of The Clash, and it really seemed to work as a bouncy country song. When we were last in the studio we cut a version and it turned out really great. We weren’t sure what to do with it, whether it would be on the next album or whatever, but we had the idea of a charity single so we contacted JSF and they really liked the idea.
We knew we wanted another band involved and Nosebleed were one of the bands we asked immediately. We’ve know them for years and played with them many times before, they really are one of our favourite bands on the UK scene and we had wanted to collaborate with them for ages so this seemed like the perfect opportunity and thankfully they were on board. We’ve been working on this for a while but now seemed like the perfect time to try and raise some money to support musicians as we’ve all been hit hard by the lockdown.”
Both tracks will be released by Bomber Music across all digital platforms on the 8th May. All profits from the record will go to The Joe Strummer Foundation who provide opportunities to musicians and support to projects around the world that create empowerment through music. For more information on the charity and its work please visit www.joestrummerfoundation.org